Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
A Skálás nyomatékkulcsok, fém markolattal (7455-60) nevű termékünk egy mechanikus nyomatékkulcs, amelyet pontosan ± 4% pontossággal lehet használni mind óramutató járásával, mind az óramutató járásával ellentétes irányban. A kulcs egy fix rácsfejjel rendelkezik, amelynek fogai 32 osztásra vannak tagolva, így minden 11,25°-os mozgást lehetővé tesz. Emellett ez a nyomatékkulcs kettős skálával rendelkezik, azaz egyaránt használható metrikus és angolszász mértékegységekben is. Ezáltal könnyedén és egyszerűen
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (tightening) and ± 6% (reverse)Flex ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionScale in imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Dial torque wrenchAccuracy ± 4%Visual signalReversible operationDual scale in metric and imperialMemory needle Anti-shock protected dialWith rubber sleeve in 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" models
Dial torque wrenchAccuracy ± 4%Visual signalReversible operationDual scale in metric and imperialMemory needle Anti-shock protected dialWith rubber sleeve in 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" models
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789
Mechanical torque wrench Accuracy ± 4% (CW and CCW)Fixed ratchet head 32 teeth/11.25° actionDual scale, metric and imperialISO 6789