
A panakábel oldalán rengeteg hálózati eszközt találhatnak meg, többek között barpa termékeket és egyéb neves gyártók termékeit. Árulunk különféle optikai és utp kábeleket, ezen felül rack szekrényeket és egyéb hálózati kiegészítőket. Árulunk telefonos hálózattal kapcsolatos termékeket is. A barpa -án kívül forgalmazunk még Karel Panasonic Ericsson-LG, ASonic, SANDBERG és RAYTECH termékeket is

Magic Joint 120

Magic Joint 120

Joint for extruded cables. It is easy to install and it is formed by two half shells of unbreakable plastic material to be filled with the bi-component, non toxic and fast cross linking insulation "Magic Fluid". Excellent to face any kind of need for underground installations, in ducts or traps, or submerged. Safe and re-enterable, thanks to the insulation softness it is able to withstand external shocks without breaks or cracks; the insulation softness, which transmits the water pressure, allows the join

  • Az ár: 28 713 Ft
Sky plast 250

Sky plast 250

RAYTECH, continuing with its programme of continuous research and development of new technology has created SKY PLAST, a unique technological innovation. SKY PLAST is a mouldable, auto extinguishing insulating rubber that is produced by mixing 1:1 portions of the two formulating components. Mixing should not exceed two minutes to obtain a uniform compound, which then crosslinks quickly at room temperature in less than 5 minutes to create a rubber insulation that will protect, cover, seal any electrical or

  • Az ár: 7 695 Ft
Magic Joint 50

Magic Joint 50

Joint for extruded cables. It is easy to install and it is formed by two half shells of unbreakable plastic material to be filled with the bi-component, non toxic and fast cross linking insulation "Magic Fluid". Excellent to face any kind of need for underground installations, in ducts or traps, or submerged. Safe and re-enterable, thanks to the insulation softness it is able to withstand external shocks without breaks or cracks; the insulation softness, which transmits the water pressure, allows the join

  • Az ár: 11 505 Ft
Rubber Joint 35

Rubber Joint 35

With the new insulating material Magic Rubber, studied and developed by Raytech for cables up to 0,6/1 kV, we realized a new accessory line with great mechanical characteristic further dielectric and thermal properties. Thanks to the material used, the joint is non toxic and safe, re-enterable even after long working periods and the cross linking reaction doesn't give any temperature increase. The joint is easy to install and has no shelf life. Very important are also the low smoke toxic and corrosive gas

  • Az ár: 20 712 Ft
Rubber Joint 50

Rubber Joint 50

With the new insulating material Magic Rubber, studied and developed by Raytech for cables up to 0,6/1 kV, we realized a new accessory line with great mechanical characteristic further dielectric and thermal properties. Thanks to the material used, the joint is non toxic and safe, re-enterable even after long working periods and the cross linking reaction doesn't give any temperature increase. The joint is easy to install and has no shelf life. Very important are also the low smoke toxic and corrosive gas

  • Az ár: 22 943 Ft
Magic Gel 10000 ml

Magic Gel 10000 ml

Bicomponent gel with very high dielectric, thermal and sealing characteristics, contained in 2 practical vials. The necessary quantity of the 2 products is poured in a 1:1 ratio into a cup, mixed with a spoon and then poured in the item to be filled. For more information

  • Az ár: 126 727 Ft
Rubber Joint 4

Rubber Joint 4

With the new insulating material Magic Rubber, studied and developed by Raytech for cables up to 0,6/1 kV, we realized a new accessory line with great mechanical characteristic further dielectric and thermal properties. Thanks to the material used, the joint is non toxic and safe, re-enterable even after long working periods and the cross linking reaction doesn't give any temperature increase. The joint is easy to install and has no shelf life. Very important are also the low smoke toxic and corrosive gas

  • Az ár: 8 419 Ft
Rubber Joint 10

Rubber Joint 10

With the new insulating material Magic Rubber, studied and developed by Raytech for cables up to 0,6/1 kV, we realized a new accessory line with great mechanical characteristic further dielectric and thermal properties. Thanks to the material used, the joint is non toxic and safe, re-enterable even after long working periods and the cross linking reaction doesn't give any temperature increase. The joint is easy to install and has no shelf life. Very important are also the low smoke toxic and corrosive gas

  • Az ár: 11 195 Ft
Magic Gel 1000 ml

Magic Gel 1000 ml

Bicomponent gel with very high dielectric, thermal and sealing characteristics, contained in 2 practical vials. The necessary quantity of the 2 products is poured in a 1:1 ratio into a cup, mixed with a spoon and then poured in the item to be filled. For more information

  • Az ár: 14 148 Ft
4P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12, 8P8C/RJ45 kombinált, krimpelõ racsnis szerszám

4P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12, 8P8C/RJ45 kombinált, krimpelõ racsnis szerszám

4P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12, 8P8C/RJ45 kombinált, krimpelõ racsnis szerszám

  • Az ár: 13 970 Ft
4P4C/RJ11, 6P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12 kombinált, krimpelõ szerszám

4P4C/RJ11, 6P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12 kombinált, krimpelõ szerszám

4P4C/RJ11, 6P4C/RJ11, 6P6C/RJ12 kombinált, krimpelõ szerszám

  • Az ár: 7 360 Ft
IP45 Kül.- beltéri mûanyag kötésrendezõ (kulcsos) 30

IP45 Kül.- beltéri mûanyag kötésrendezõ (kulcsos) 30

**IP45 Kül.- beltéri műanyag kötésrendező (kulcsos) 30 - Hosszú leírás** Fedezze fel az IP45 Kül.- beltéri műanyag kötésrendező (kulcsos) 30 minden előnyét, amelyek segítenek rendben tartani a környezetét, legyen szó ipari, kereskedelmi vagy otthoni használatról. Ez a stílusos és praktikus kötésrendező a legmagasabb minőségű műanyagból készült, amely garantálja a tartósságot és a hosszú élettartamot, valamint ellenáll a külső környezeti hatásoknak. A termék IP45 védettségi osztályának köszönhetően víz-

  • Az ár: 4 672 Ft
IP45 Kül.- beltéri mûanyag kötésrendezõ (kulcsos) 50

IP45 Kül.- beltéri mûanyag kötésrendezõ (kulcsos) 50

IP45 Kül.- beltéri mûanyag kötésrendezõ (kulcsos) 50

  • Az ár: 8 039 Ft
N 2 keret, hosszú zárható /felsõvask. iker, hosszú, zárh./

N 2 keret, hosszú zárható /felsõvask. iker, hosszú, zárh./

N 2 keret, hosszú zárható /felsõvask. iker, hosszú, zárh./

  • Az ár: 39 230 Ft
N 3 keret, hosszú, zárható /hármasiker hosszú, zárh./

N 3 keret, hosszú, zárható /hármasiker hosszú, zárh./

N 3 keret, hosszú, zárható /hármasiker hosszú, zárh./

  • Az ár: 40 599 Ft