Cave Digger 2 Dig Harder (PS5 VR2)

Cave Digger 2 Dig Harder (PS5 VR2)

Fogd a csákányod és irány a New Frontier!

A Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder egy akció-kaland játék, amely a vad völgyekben játszódik, ahol régi bányákat, víz alatti barangokat és ősi civilizációk romjait fedezheted fel, melyek mindegyikét a western, a dieselpunk és a Lovecrafti témák inspirálták.

Menj le egy bányaaknába, harcolj az idővel és áss, hogy kincseket találj. Ezután a kincseidet eladhatod, így fejlesztheted a felszerelésed, amellyel még mélyebbre áshatsz és új eszközöket vehetsz, hogy különböző anyagokat bányászhass.

Üdvözlünk a New Frontierben.

A Cave Digger 2 Dig Deeper 1-4 játékos crossplay-el, új harccal és kampánymóddal rendelkezik.

Tovább fejlesztve a PlayStation VR2-re:

Fejlesztett grafika
Fejhallgató rezgés funkció
Szemmozgás-követés többjátékos módban
Adaptív triggerek az eszközökön
Fejlesztett haptikus visszajelzés

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: M

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: M

Push harder, shoot better, get richer! IT IS PAYDAY - If you were born as a robber, you can´t go around without proper T- Shirt. Payday 2 Hoxton mask T-Shirt with his famous quotes will do just the thing! You may get arrested at some point, but being a proper thief requires a skill to break out of the prison, so don´t forget to get dressed properly.

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: XL

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: XL

Push harder, shoot better, get richer! IT IS PAYDAY - If you were born as a robber, you can´t go around without proper T- Shirt. Payday 2 Hoxton mask T-Shirt with his famous quotes will do just the thing! You may get arrested at some point, but being a proper thief requires a skill to break out of the prison, so don´t forget to get dressed properly.

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: L

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: L

Push harder, shoot better, get richer! IT IS PAYDAY - If you were born as a robber, you can´t go around without proper T- Shirt. Payday 2 Hoxton mask T-Shirt with his famous quotes will do just the thing! You may get arrested at some point, but being a proper thief requires a skill to break out of the prison, so don´t forget to get dressed properly.

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: S

PayDay 2 t-shirt - Hoxton Mask Sizes: S

Push harder, shoot better, get richer! IT IS PAYDAY - If you were born as a robber, you can´t go around without proper T- Shirt. Payday 2 Hoxton mask T-Shirt with his famous quotes will do just the thing! You may get arrested at some point, but being a proper thief requires a skill to break out of the prison, so don´t forget to get dressed properly.

Karak Goblin - card game  társasjáték (ENG)

Karak Goblin - card game társasjáték (ENG)

Standalone card game set in the world of Karak. The players will once again become heroes – this time exploring dark goblin caves – in the introductory-level deck-building game. The goal is simple – to fight your way through the 3 levels of monster to the boss and defeat him. This time you will not go with the famous heroes to the underground of the castle in distant Jordan, but to the goblin cave. The goal of the players is to create strong combos from the cards, with the help of which you will fight



Bacon is a fixed-partnership climbing game for 4 or 6 players that is all about going out early as a team. The only team that scores is the team that goes out first. That said, their score depends on when their partner also goes out (more points if the partner goes out quickly). If your team does NOT go out first, your job is simple: make the other team go out as late as possible! Players place down combos (such as runs or three-of-a-kind) or “specials.” Combos have to follow the lead combo. Specials (lik

Microsoft: Gears of War Ultimate Edition + Rare Replay (Xbox One)

Microsoft: Gears of War Ultimate Edition + Rare Replay (Xbox One)

Gears of War Ultimate Edition: Az Ultimate Edition v ltozat tartalmazza az alapj t kot, SteelBook tokot s a Szezonb rletet*. A Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition megv s rl s val korai hozz f r st kapsz, amivel m r okt ber 7- n p nteken elkezdhetsz j tszani n gy nappal a hivatalos megjelen s előtt. A Szezonb rlet tartalmazza a Vintage VIP Csomagot, egy vnyi korl tlan t rk p hozz f r st, exkluz v korai hozz f r st a VIP lej tsz si list hoz, s hat Gear Csomagot. Gears of War 4 Ultimate Editi
