MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base plate is screwed to the wall or the ceiling, then the body is simply attached to the socket using three clips and can be removed in the same way, of course. The ceiling light can be converted into a pendant using a suspension kit, and is therefore also ideal for rooms with high ceilings. The built-in LED driver makes direct connection to a 120V to 240V mains supply possible. A gyártói leírás automatikus* fordítása: A kiváló minőségű MEDO AMBIENT kiegészíti a MEDO sorozatot, és lenyűgözően hatátgondolt új funkcióival: A homogén, közvetettfelfelé irányuló fénykibocsátással dekoratív AMBIENT hatást kelt. Apraktikus kapcsoló, amely rugalmasságot biztosít, és a MEDO AMBIENTvariáns segítségével könnyen átkapcsolható 3000K és 4000K között. A MEDO AMBIENT továbbáa telepítés során is kiválóan teljesít: Az alaplemez a falhoz vagy aa mennyezetre, majd a testet egyszerűen három klipsz segítségével rögzítjük az aljzathoz.és természetesen ugyanígy eltávolítható. A mennyezeti lámpátfüggesztőkészlet segítségével függesztékké alakítható, és ezért szinténideális magas mennyezetű helyiségekbe. A beépített LED-meghajtó közvetlen120V-240V-os hálózatra való csatlakoztatást. *Figyelem: Az automatikus fordítást robot végzi. Pontatlanságok és helytelen kifejezések előfordulhatnak. Részletes műszaki információért és segítségért keresd ügyfélszolgálatunkat.

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation:

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation:

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fehér 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fehér 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fehér 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fekete 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fekete 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 DALI CL AMBIENT fekete 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: T

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 DALI CW AMBIENT fekete 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation:

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 DALI CW AMBIENT fehér 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető fali és mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: T

MEDO 60 CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 60 CW AMBIENT szürke 40w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base plat

MEDO 90 CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 90 CL AMBIENT szürke 78w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base plat

MEDO 40 CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 40 CW AMBIENT szürke 30w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base plat

MEDO 30 CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa

MEDO 30 CW AMBIENT szürke 15w 3000/4000K 105° dimmelhető mennyezeti LED lámpa angol nyelvű gyátrói leírása: The high quality MEDO AMBIENT supplements the MEDO series, and impresses with its well thought-out new features: Thanks to its homogeneous, indirect upwards light emission, it generates a decorative AMBIENT effect. A practical switch that provides flexibility, and with the MEDO AMBIENT variant is easy to switch between 3000K and 4000K. The MEDO AMBIENT also excels during installation: The base plat
