SCAN 812 DMX is a compact lighting console for intelligent lighting like scanners or moving heads.
It features 192 DMX control channels that can manage 12 scanners and moving heads with 16 channels each. These channels are integrated in two scenes of 8 channels accessible from a simple push button.
SCAN 812 DMX provides 30 banks of 8 programmable scenes each, and other 6 chases with a maximum of 240 programmable scenes from the 30 banks. Speed and fade time can be configured for any created program. The powerful programming function allows the addition of steps, the copy of scenes and the full programming of scanners (that can be easily deleted). A USB port is available to connect a lamp.
Its rubber shock protection ensures that the console won&rsquo t suffer any damage during transport and live shows. It can also be fixed to a 19- rack.
- Lighting console designed to control 192 DMX channels (12 robots of 16 channels).
- 30 banks of 8 programming scenes.
- 6 chases per scenes.
- Copy of banks and scenes between consoles.
- Speed, audio, Midi and Tap Sync synchronization.
- Blackout function.
- Memory against current failures.
- Main supply: 9-12 V DC, 300 mA (included power supply unit).
- Dimensions: 483 x 132 x 73 mm.
- Weight: 2.5 kg.
SCANPLAYER II DMX is a compact lighting console for intelligent lighting featuring 64 DMX channels (up to 8 robots of 8 channels each). Thanks to the ergonomic joystick, channels are patched to a unique control for maximum convenience. Up to 96 scenes and 4 programs can be programmed to patch connected robots and use parameters such as fade time, speed o Tap Sync (chase is executed using manual pulse). Any data can be transferred or uploaded by the console, using the RS 232 port communi
This compact conventional lighting console is ideal for small stages and mobile shows. Its internal memory provides 30 factory preset patterns and other 30 that can be edited by users. Each channel has a flash power switch for manual mode. STAGE 16 DMX has many modes like LOOP function for scenes selection and their continuous triggering. CROSS function plays scenes using the minimum and maximum values of Master fader. It is possible to trigger scenes using the internal speed, audio, M
Developed for 51786020 EUROLITE TS-150 DMX Scan, 51786025 EUROLITE TS-155 DMX Scan, 51785814 EUROLITE TS-7 DMX-Scan, 51785813 EUROLITE TS-7B DMX-Scan, 51786030 EUROLITE TS-250 DMX Scan, 51786035 EUROLITE TS-255 DMX Scan or comparable compact scanners Suitable for 2 units Interior and cover (not removable) upholstered with foam Accessory pocket (25 x 13 cm) integrated in the cover High-quality workmanship with 7 mm plywood multilayered glued, black laminated Aluminum profile frames (30 mm
Minden az egyben DJ pult Professzion lis megold s dj szettekhez Sz tszedhető K nnyű s ly, ll that magass g 1,3 m teres keresztrudak 2.6 m sz les T-bar, ak r 11 l mp nak (28 kg teherb r s) 100 kg teherb r s a pultr szen 5 poerc alatt sszeszerelhető eszk z k n lk l Cs sz smentes gumil bak M ret: 99.5 cm x 127 cm x 47 cm T meg: 13.78 kg
Hordozhat dj pult K nnyű kivitel, mobil dj-knek sszecsukhat panelek Elrejthető k belek Gyors, eszk zmentes sszeszerel s Elt vil that s t szt that sztreccses textil huzat Hordt sk val M retek: sszecsukva: 125 cm x 75 cm x 15 cm ssze ll tva: 147 cm x 120 cm x 74 cm T meg: 20 kg
K nnyű, hordozhat takar panelek DJ pult el Kivil g that sszecsukhat panelek Gyors szerel s Elt vol that s tiszt that huzat (t pőz ras) Feh r sz n K l n rendelhető fekete s feh r huzat: 32000020, 32000019 M retek: 146 cm x 120 cm x 730 cm T meg: 12.15 kg
STAGE 4824 DMX is a conventional lighting console that features all the functions required for applications like theatres, studios and stages. Its internal memory, with 48 programs and 4.600 steps, allows its use in almost any situation. 48 channels outputs can be divided in 2 x24 to create 2 different scenes and switch them with a crossfader movement. Its backup allows storing many configurations of scenes and chases for different events, and it is possible to get access to its memory and edit pa
GALAXY DMX< has been designed to combine in a same console all the controllers required for lighting control. It features different dimmer sections: for conventional lighting control, for robots control and for independent flash and DMX fog machines. Intuitive Interface. Interface for creation and edition is very intuitive and ensures the perfect control of any parameters. Two LCD screens provide a fast visualization of the state of the fixtures and an easy access to the different me
STAGE 1624 DMX is a conventional lighting console that features 16 control channels. It provides 8 factory preset scenes easily accessible and other 16 configurable ones. Scenes can be faded to &ldquo 0&rdquo , just pushing the new program. Most interesting features of STAGE 1624 DMX are its fast interface and intuitive use: with only one push button, user gets access to the program he wants. Each channel has its own flash switch to start channel and for a manual control. All the
STAGE 2412 DMX is a conventional lighting console featuring 24 control channels that can be divided in 2 x12 to create 2 different scenes and switch them with a crossfader movement. The latest software version includes a Patch function when each fader can be patched to any channel in the DMX universe. Its internal memory, with 48 programs (36 + 12 factory) and 4.600 steps, allows its use in almost any situation. Its backup allows storing many configurations of scenes and chases for different
A zenekari kottapult tetsz s szerint vari lhat magass g ll t si lehetős get kapott, gyorsan megtal lhat a k v nt magass g. A l bak stabilak, merev tettek. Az llv ny egyszerűen sszecsukhat , a pult praktikus gyorsz ras r gz t ssel csatlakozik az llv nyhoz. Besorol s: Topline S ly /kg: 3,7 Speci lis jellemzők: felhaszn l bar t kialak t s, quick-releaise gyorskiold z rral r gz tett pult, stabil l bak 750 mm tm rőjű terpesszel Anyag: ac l L bak kialak t sa: csől b keresztmerev tőkkel
Developed for 51839255 FUTURELIGHT DJ-Scan 260 or comparable compact scans Suitable for 1 unit Interior and cover (not removable) upholstered with foam High-quality workmanship with 6 mm MDF, black laminated Aluminum profile frames (22 mm) with rounded edges Three-leg, medium-sized steel ball corners (chromium plated) 2 butterfly locks (chromium plated) 3 hinged, chromium plated case handles Caution! Units must be cooled down to room temperature! Maximum load
Work adapter 3 vagy 4 pontos traverzhez, 25-40 cm-es szélességben állítható, 50mm
2013.02.28-ig még 1 db választható mintatartót adunk hozzá (a búza mintatartón felül) ? Gabonák, lisztek minta előkészítés nélküli mérése kb. 1 perc alatt? Sikér-, fehérje-, nedvességtartalom, Zeleny - index mérése? Hálózati vagy akkumulátoros (autó szivargyújtóról) működtetés? Széles hőmérséklet-tartományban garantált pontos működés (10-40 0C)? Nincs bemelegedési idő? Korszerű rácsos monokromátoros optika? Rendkívül egyszerű kezelés, háromféle kialakítás? Beépített nyomtató? Széles mintaválasztékból ké
Húsvéti szalvéta 33x33cm, 20db-os - Rabbits at Work